The winners are...Honor Warren, (Jessica Alba & Cash Warren) Suri Cruise, (Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes) Matilda Ledger (Michelle Williams and the late Heath Ledger )and Nahla Aubry ( Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry). Normal babies, you'd spot in a smooth fuzzy one-piece. But when you see Honor (21 months), Jessica Alba's joy, you'd see her in a fabulous knit berret with a sky blue coat in the beautiful winter. For a toddler, you'd probably see them wearing the Plain Jane outfit-a blank tee, jeans and a pair of blue Keds. The spring fling for most toddlers. But for Nahla Aubry, Halle Berry's little darling, she'd be wearing a blouse, that's perfect for spring, a sweater, and cool Superga sneakers. Suppose it was raining? What would your little tot wear? Would she be like Matilda Ledger? Who sported a Petit Bateau yellow raincoat, a plaid kinda-short skirt, and pink hunter wellies? Yep Didn't thnk so. And let's not forget, The princess of Toddler-Fashion, Miss Suri Cruise. Probably the only toddler who wears high heels, or even knows what they are.